The heart of an 8 year old touched an entire community when his teacher at school had the children write letters to Santa. What did Lane Loftin want for Christmas? He asked Santa to bring Military Dads home to all the kids.
“The best thing I’ve ever had is having my Dad home for Christmas.” Lane Loftin
“Dear Santa, I want to be nice so if you can, well you know when my Dad was in the Air Force you can send other kids dads to them. I would love that like me and my dad.”
His letter has been shared around in Collinsville, Oklahoma and is very popular, according to his Uncle Josh.
Home is where the heart is
Lane’s Dad, Rob Loftin, was active duty in the USAF Security Forces from 2009-2015. He couldn’t always be home for Christmas. His son remembers that part vividly.
With his Dad home now, he is grateful and wants to help others who might be missing their father at this time of year.
“Mom, I want to do something for the other kids.” Lane
Lane and his Dad are inseparable now that he is out of the Air Force. From “cop to full time cowboy,” Rob serves as a ranch hand in Oklahoma. The two go fishing, duck hunting, and deer hunting – precious memories built together that Lane will never forget for the rest of his life.

Lane and his Dad caught a big one!
For Christmas this year, Santa brought Lane a brown lab puppy. Of course because Santa can’t really drive that sleigh and reindeer with a puppy to take care of, he had to bring it early to the Loftin home. This is one happy 8 year old.

“All he has wanted from Santa for 3 years. It has been rough since his Dad got out of the Air Force. We finally saved up enough to get him a pup he can duck hunt with. This is the brown lab puppy, named Chip. Since the A.F. we are back in Oklahoma hunting, fishing, and loving everyday!!” Veronica Loftin
Military separations
Lane’s Mom wants to remind people that being apart is extremely difficult for military, their spouses and children.
“We are a military family. Rob has a cousin right now who is deployed. He has two children, one 5 months and one 2 years old. People don’t understand how hard it is for families to be apart.” Veronica Loftin
Lane’s letter to Santa is a vivid reminder that freedom isn’t free…it comes at a price. And sometimes part of that price is the heart of a child who loves his Dad and never wants him to go away again.
Photos provided by Veronica Loftin.
H/T Uncle Sam’s Misguided Children post written by Faye Higbee